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Embracing your individuality is part of how you rejoin with the All. It’s only then that you

see yourself more clearly and begin to see Who You Truly Are.


In 2012 a series of events happened that put a thought forefront in my mind; how to turn thought into energy to manifest tangible change for the highest and greatest good. That thought brought me to my first Reiki class in January, 2014. I walked in not knowing anything about Reiki or energy, only that I needed to learn. And that is how my journey started...


Since January of 2014 I have received my Reiki Master Practitioner certification in both Usui and Karuna Reiki® and have also obtained my certification as an Integrated Energy Therapy® Master Instructor. I've studied Jin Shin Jyutsu® and am a certified Advanced Practitioner in Metatronic Healing®. I am also an Ordained Minister.


Through receiving Master Attunements in the various disciplines of energy, I have developed a Signature Energy Session that is unique to every client. By utilizing all modalities I have studied, I create an environment that allows clients to heal themselves.


My philosophy is a simple do all things for the highest and greatest good of all, and to try to balance my human ego with my spiritual self so they are in harmony. These things I strive for each and every day.


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Copyright © 2015-2024

Diane M Foster - Energy Practitioner, Inc.



2200 Rosa Rd, Schenectady NY 12309

(518) 364.4919

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